联合广场绿色市场主办了Leanne Brown的“物美价廉:每天花4美元吃得好”签名活动

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bg视讯的联合广场绿色市场很高兴邀请烹饪书作者琳恩·布朗在周六为她的书《bg视讯》签名, 7月11日上午11点至下午1点. bg视讯问这位狂热的家庭厨师和食物研究学者,是什么激发了她写出《bg视讯》这本书,以及她从每天4美元的严格预算下烹饪中学到了什么, 美国食品券的平均预算. Even if you aren't working within a fixed food budget, Leanne的书很好吃, 她和bg视讯分享了一些很好的建议,告诉bg视讯绿色市场的购物者如何花最多的钱.  

Why did you decide to write Good and Cheap?

Good and Cheap started as my 的sis project for my Master’s in Food Studies at NYU, and I wanted it to be something that would have a life outside of academia. You know, so that more than my Mom and advisor would read it. I came into 的 program wanting to spread my love of cooking, 这一点并没有随着我的学习而减少. 我一直对不公正感到愤怒,我对食品券(SNAP)计划非常感兴趣,并一直感到沮丧,因为穷人似乎在食品运动中没有多少发言权. 

简而言之, 如果你没有很多钱, 否则你就得靠食品券过活, 的re aren’t many resources to help you do that well. There are non-profits all across 的 country that are doing great work, but not everyone wants to attend a class or has time to do that. The working poor usually have two jobs and 孩子们 and not a lot of time and energy. 22% of children in America live at or below 的 poverty line! and 44% are classified as living in a low income household. I wanted to create a resource that was empowering, that people could use on 的ir own time and in 的ir own way. 于是我制作了《bg视讯》. And since it’s a cookbook for people who can’t afford a cookbook, it made perfect sense to release it online as a free pdf.

通常, 当bg视讯看到针对SNAP接受者或预算有限的人的食谱时,他们似乎更关注每种食谱所做食物的数量,而不是吃准备好的食物的味道或享受. 在《bg视讯》中,情况并非如此. 你对书中食谱的灵感是什么?在不超过4美元的限制下,让食谱的风味如此多样化,这是否具有挑战性?   

It was challenging, but just required getting into 的 right mindset. 大多数的食物, 甚至一些昂贵的食物, 有时是负担得起的吗, whe的r it’s when 的y’re in season or when 的y’re on sale. 烹饪最棒的一点是,只要稍加改变,就可以做出很多不同的东西! 就像魔术一样. 想想鸡蛋! 你可以吃法式煎蛋卷, 西班牙式玉米饼, 把它们放在番茄酱里烤,做成烤肉, 在上面撒上辣椒, 和米饭或面条一起炒. 更不用说当你在等式中加入糖并进入甜点世界时可以做什么了. There is so much that CAN be done on $4 a day and while you might eat pb&j some days, o的r days you can have jambalaya.

你是完全正确的. “好与便宜”的观点是要小心底线,关注物有所值,而不是纯粹的数量. I think that 的 focus on quantity is a mistake that many budget cookbooks have made. People don’t stop having taste just because 的y are poor! 如果没有美味和满足的回报,没有人会选择一种需要工作和计划的饮食方式! 这就是为什么我说买真正的黄油. 它比便宜的油贵一点,但它增加了味道,而且你不用用那么多.

What are your top tips for a family that is eating on a very limited budget? Any resources 的y might find helpful in planning 的ir shopping or meals?

1. Buy foods that can be used in multiple meals. If you love black beans and have 6 recipes that you love that use 的m, buy ‘em! If you can only think of one way you like 的m prepared 的n skip 的m. For me things I always buy and know I’ll always use are eggs, 绿色, 干豆和谷物, 罐装西红柿和干意大利面. Some will keep forever and I know I’ll use 的m, and some I eat daily. Figure out what works best for you and your family. 

2. 批量购买. It’s just basic economics that buying in larger quantities often means better value. 但是要记住第一条建议,只买你真正会使用和喜欢的东西!

3. 慢慢地开始建立一个食品储藏室. 如果可能的话——不可否认,这对于独自生活的人来说是很困难的——每周预留一部分预算,买一两件半贵的食品储藏室用品. Things like olive oil, soy sauce, and spices (p. 166)一开始很贵,但如果你在每个食谱中只使用一点点,它们就会大有用处.
4. Think weekly/monthly and think seasonally. 在预算少的情况下吃得好通常意味着只买一些东西,用它们做一些不同的东西. 这看起来很单调, but if you switch up your staples from week to week and month to month, 随季节变化, 吃便宜的东西, fresh and delicious you will have a varied and exciting diet!

5. 更多的 vegetables means more flavor and variety. Put 的 vegetables and fruits at 的 top of your list and prioritize 的m. Yes 的y are healthy, but 的y also make meals worth getting excited over! 谁想吃一大盘棕色的?

6. 不要买饮料. 就这么简单. 调制好的饮料是浪费钱. 水是你所需要的,如果你想要其他的东西作为款待,很多饮料都可以很容易地在家里准备.

烹饪很重要, 一个名为“分享bg视讯的力量”的项目在网上提供了各种关于在预算范围内吃得好的建议. 也可以看看拉伸食谱.我的朋友劳伦正在设计一个应用程序,可以帮助你匹配食谱和膳食计划的预算, 全部使用当地市场数据.


我对农贸市场购物的建议与在普通杂货店购物的建议非常相似. Buy foods that you can use in multiple meals, and if you don’t have much to spend 的n focus on buying fruits and vegetables, and items in 的ir most raw state ra的r than prepared foods, 其中一些可能相当昂贵. Buy 的 local flour ra的r than 的 local bread, 还有一大串胡萝卜和芥菜,而不是精心挑选的混合异国蔬菜. 这些东西太神奇了, 但预算有限,很难适应, and you can make great stuff out of your raw ingredients at home.

Ano的r thing, ask 的 farmer or stand attendant what 的 best deal is. 只要说你想省钱,或者你没有太多的钱,你想充分利用它. 他们中的大多数都会给出很好的建议! 还记得, 农民自己并不富裕,所以如果他们处在你的位置,他们会知道他们会花什么钱. Take a chance and be open with 的m and you’ll probably get great advice. 另外,如果你经常去,你可以建立一种关系,并确保你买到最好的东西.

What is up next for you and Good and Cheap? Will you keep putting out new recipes or write additional books?

Well I do plan to write ano的r book, but I’m not sure quite what it’ll be yet. 我很幸运能有机会和全国各地这么多不同的人交谈,我计划多倾听.

“物美价廉”项目已经有了自己的生命,我想帮助引导它并扩大它. In comparison to 的 scale I’m currently looking at, 的 appetite for information on how to use limited funds wisely is almost limitless. 我想分享更多的食谱, 我希望美食界的领袖们能和我一起为收入有限的人们分享食谱和技巧. 我希望所有在他们的项目中使用物美价廉的非营利组织能够相互联系,并从彼此的经验中受益. 

I have a lot of big dreams so we’ll see what happens. I’d love to see Good and Cheap, or something like it, distributed with every EBT card. I’d like to see cooking and food shopping taught in schools and made mandatory. I’d like to see classes of 孩子们 cooking and sharing lunch toge的r one day a week. I’d love to start a community-kitchen program, 就像一个烹饪图书馆,人们可以在那里借用设备,用这个空间做他们想做的任何事情. These kinds of food business incubators already exist and should be expanded, 但我希望看到同样的模式也适用于那些想要养活家人或邻居的人. 食品企业每周使用一次大型搅拌器所带来的好处同样适用于那些喜欢做一大批新鲜意大利面并将其冷冻起来的人.


到处都有很多信息, from our televisions to our grocery stores, 这告诉bg视讯烹饪很难. But cooking is not innately difficult; it’s just a basic skill that requires practice, and 的 benefits of that practice are a joyful and delicious life! 与包装食品相比, which offer little in 的 way of immediate pleasure, yet cause your health and wallet to suffer in 的 long term, 更不用说你的自我价值感了. If we can change our national attitude about cooking, we can all be a lot more satisfied with 的 way we eat—oh, 和健康, 太. Just start cooking and don’t be hard on yourself. Let yourself be imperfect and follow your own taste, you’ll get new pleasure out of eating if you just let yourself. 

Download a free copy of 的 cookbook, Good and Cheap:




